Thursday 13 December 2012

Sustainability at the University of Worcester

We received a talk about how sustainability issues are dealt with at the University of Worcester, which provided a useful insight into how a large organisation sets about working environmentally for the future. Some of the points covered include:

  • The World Resource Institute's emissions classification:
    • Scope 1: direct emissions
    • Scope 2: emissions of purchased electricity consumed by organisation
    • Scope 3: all other indirect emissions
  • These show the large amount of data that the organisation has to collect and measure and then set about trying to change, which can be a long and difficult process.
  • UW started to measure this in 2006, and re-examined their targets in 2010.
The University intends to achieve:
  • 5% per annum reduction in scopes 1 and 2 from 2010 to 2015
  • 3% per annum reduction from 2015 to 2020
  • reductions in scope 3 to match
Relevance to the Main Project

The majority of the university's carbon footprint comes from commuting of students and staff, and therefore publicising their aims and encouraging co-operation is paramount to their aims. Visibility of schemes and alternative transport choices is vitally important, and I feel this ties in to my designs for Lea & Perrins, using the environmental imagery to be the eye-catching part of the packaging. The materials could all be widely recyclable and sourced sustainably, but if the consumer doesn't know then the product will still end up in landfill.

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